5. Implement & Sustain

Now it's time to make the change happen and cement the habits of your new ways of working. How how will you ensure that the change sticks, and that things keep on improving and don't slip back?

Make the change and keep it going

Having made any change to a process or other way of working it is important to document it and keep it going, but also to remember to regularly review it. Fundamental to implementing and maintaining a process are Standard Operating Procedures.

Process Confirmation and Plan-Do-Check-Act are useful tools to help with sustaining and improving your Standard Operating Procedures.

After action review

In order for continuous improvement to be successful, you have to know if a change has worked or not for everyone involved. An After Action Review is a quick way of doing this.

Record what your project achieved and any lessons learned

An End-of-Project Report provides a framework for recording what your project set out to do, how it was conducted, what the outcomes and impacts have been, and what you learned in the process to inform how future projects are approached.